The ultimate gut health podcast.
Gut health is trending. But that means the information you’re getting is diluted by the internet and social media.
That’s why I’m going straight to the source, and asking the world’s most renowned doctors and professionals about their advice on how to naturally heal your gut, and stay healthy.
Every aspect of our lives is connected to our gut; from diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes, to brain fog, asthma, sleep patterns, skin issues and even how much we feel like socializing in a given day. It all ties back to the gut and gut bacteria. The ReversABLE podcast is about reversing sickness and disease by starting with the gut.
Why ReversABLE?
Did you know?…
The bacteria in our body make up 2-3% of our entire body weight! That means that a 200lb person is actually 4-6 lbs of bacteria.
They’re so abundant that they outnumber our own cells 10:1 and are as important as our DNA, yet 72% of Americans struggle with gut issues, at least once a week. This means that 72% of people are on a slippery slope toward sickness. We’re going to show you how the gut is connected to every aspect of your health, so that you have the knowledge, and power to heal yourself.
You can listen to ReversABLE on all major platforms
You’ll get a short, quick tip episode from me, every Tuesday, on how to reverse sickness and disease by starting in your gut; and an interview with one of the world’s top doctors and health professionals every Friday!